• Solution for whole house water villa

  •                                             Whole House Drinking Water System Application Diagram

    With the rapid development of human society, the continuous improvement of living standards, water pollution, more and more and more complex composition of the water, water quality is getting worse, less and less water for drinking, The people of drinking water requirements and increasing and improving water quality is the twenty-first century mankind important issue.

    Home the whole house (villa) water purification, is the home for the full range of advanced treatment of drinking water purification, including drinking water, kitchen water, wash water, bath water, laundry water and other comprehensive purification.

    Home the whole house (villa) the purification of drinking water from the solution can be divided into two ways, first is a household water pipe in an appropriate location to install central water purifier, centralized purification. The second is the family of each terminal point of water purification.
    Recoil pre-filter + Central + Central soft water water purifier water purifier + vertical + line machine or wall unit

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